The constitutional safeguard of the historic memory: an analysis of the Historic Archive of the National Police and the figure of the “immediate action of the contested sentence”


  • Miguel Angel Aldana Moscoso Particular



Derecho procesal constitucional, actuación inmediata de la sentencia impugnada, memoria histórica, derecho a la verdad, ejecución de las sentencias constitucionales.


This text examines the situation of the Historical Archive of the National Police
–[By its initials in Spanish AHPN]– from the legal optics, in reference to the
constitutional action of amparo promoted by the Human Rights Ombudsman,
in 2019, against the Ministry of Culture and Sports and the Ministry of the
Interior. It is decided the problem related to the danger expected by the delay
of the constitutional courts and the competent governmental authorities in
issuing the orders and taking the measures required to prevent an irreparable
situation that makes it impossible to restore things to their previous state.
For this purpose, the most relevant aspects of the amparo sentence are read
through, which are relapsed in the file 1281-2019 of the Supreme Court of Justice
and, to highlight a hypothesis of compliance in this case, the legal techniques
included in comparative law are studied to ensure the immediate effectiveness
of constitutional sentences.
The immediate action of the contested sentence is the procedural law order that
gives the plaintiff the possibility of having the sentence executed in advance,
regardless of whether it is appealed, with the purpose of preventing irreparable
damages not avoidable by an interim amparo.


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Author Biography

Miguel Angel Aldana Moscoso, Particular

Abogado y Notario. Egresado de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. Profesor de Derecho Procesal Constitucional por la misma casa de Estudios, con estudios de posgrado y formación profesional en el ámbito del Derecho Constitucional, Derecho Procesal Constitucional y Derechos Humanos.


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How to Cite

Aldana Moscoso, M. A. (2022). The constitutional safeguard of the historic memory: an analysis of the Historic Archive of the National Police and the figure of the “immediate action of the contested sentence”. Opus Magna Constitucional, 17(01), 203–226.


