Freedom as a limit to criminal law.


  • Jose Pablo Pacheco Samayoa Corte de Constitucionalidad



Derecho Penal, principios constitucionales, legalidad, irretroactividad, libertad, taxatividad, bienes jurídicos tutelados


Criminal law has historically been the most powerful coercive tool of a legal-social organization, since it serves as a deterrent to social conduct and seeks to implement, among others, minimum standards of social coexistence; However, by establishing itself as the strongest form of social “control”, it has also been the one that has created the most problems, instead of solving, since, in contrast to it, the most precious values ​​of those who commit an illegal act are positioned, their freedoms. That is why modern currents emphasize the delicate and volatile balance that arises between the purposes of criminal law (preventive, sanctioning, protective) and those of the legal system that presupposes it (liberties), appearing with great importance and under a counterbalancing function the principles of legality and freedom, which control the development and application of criminal law, and which take on special relevance when rationalizing its creation and use. This research shows what is already evident, the more criminal law there is, the fewer freedoms there will be, and emphasizes a basic reflection: constitutional rights and values must be protected by criminal law and criminal law itself.


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How to Cite

Pacheco Samayoa, J. P. (2024). Freedom as a limit to criminal law. Opus Magna Constitucional, 21(1), 207–224.

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