International Human Rights Law. Source of obligations for the guatemalan regulatory system


  • Juan Arnulfo Vicente Gudiel Organismo Judicial
  • Leslie Argentina Véliz Arriaga Investigadora independiente



International Human Rights Law, international obligations, conventionality control, Human Rights Protection Systems.


From the reception that the State of Guatemala has made at the constitutional level of International Human Rights Law, a very significant transformation has been gradually generated in the sources of the Guatemalan normative system.

This article addresses such variation, stating that this metamorphosis results from the summation of the legal systems for the protection of human rights (universal system and inter-American system) to which the State of Guatemala belongs, which, upon entering the national legal system, form a new structure for the protection of human rights, taking, as, the constitutionality block as an ideal interpretive tool to integrate and harmonize national and international regulations. Likewise, the international obligations and duties that arise from the constitutional reception of human rights treaties and conventions are analyzed, as well as the importance of an effective control of conventionality for the fulfillment of the responsibilities acquired sovereignly by the State.


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Author Biography

Leslie Argentina Véliz Arriaga, Investigadora independiente

Abogada y Notaria por la UMG, Magister Artium en Derecho Constitucional por la UMG. Asesora Jurídica de Entidades Financieras, Abogada litigante e Investigadora independiente.



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How to Cite

Vicente Gudiel, J. A., & Véliz Arriaga, L. A. (2022). International Human Rights Law. Source of obligations for the guatemalan regulatory system. Opus Magna Constitucional, 18(01), 93–118.


